Iran Canadian Congress-Trojan Horse

About ICC – Iranian Canadian Congress (

This is an example of Trojan Horse of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Canada. “The Iranian Canadian Congress is a non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious organization, established in 2007, to represent the interests of Iranian Canadians and encourage their participation in Canadian society.”

The agency says it does not do politics, but it is interested in foreign policy. The agency says it is not a religious agency, but Iran’s regime is a Shia sect, theology state.

“Re-establishing relations between Canada and Iran”

Justin Trudeau Shut Down IRI Lobby Groups

Dear PM Trudeau:

RE: Islamic Republic of Iran’s Lobby Groups in Canada

When the regime in Iran killed Zahra Kazemi in cold blood, Canada remained silent. It did not do anything about a murder committed in Iran in the hands of the security forces. Canada only provided lip service that it was a horrible crime committed in Iran.

If Iranians did not pressure the government to shut down the Canadian embassy in Tehran-Iran, Canada would not close its door on the clerics’ money coming to Canada to build HWY 407 and Center Point Mall and much more investment in the real estates.

When the Revolutionary Forces brought down a civilian airplane, Mr. Trudeau walked toward the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign minister Javad Zarif; Mr. Trudeau smiled at Zarif and made sure that there was no hard feeling between them.

It is about time for Mr. Trudeau to make a final decision, to be honest with the Iranian diaspora. Canada cannot allow the Islamic Republic of Iran’s lobby agents to be active in Canada, promoting Iran’s interest in Canada. The Islamic Republic of Iran has a lengthy record of human rights violations. It is time for Mr. Trudeau and Canada to stand-up on the right side of history and shut down all the lobby groups promoting the interest of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Canada as the US is doing.1


  1. Political Scientist Author Charged With Acting As An Unregistered Agent Of The Iranian Government | OPA | Department of Justice