Comparing Reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi with the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Rule

Reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi:

In 1939, World War II broke out among nations. Reza Shah Pahlavi declared Iran as a neutral state. In 1941, England and the Soviet Union launched a military strike at Iran under the pretext Reza Shah Pahlavi collaborated with Nazi Germany. They did not honour Iran’s decision as a neutral state and invaded Iran’s oil-rich parts of Iran. The Soviet Union attacked Iran’s Azerbaijan, and England invaded the province of Khuzestan. 

In September 1941, Reza Shah Pahlavi abdicated the throne in favour of his son Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi to ascend the throne.

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi inherited Iran at the time; Iran’s economy and infrastructure were developing, and more work was needed to build Iran’s economy and infrastructure. 

Iran was moving away from religious superstition, and scholars like Ahmad Kasravi was the backbone of Iran’s secularism. What does secularism mean? That religion was good, and it was a private matter. The faith of Islam was not a community matter. 

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi built Iran’s armed forces to prevent other nations from undermining Iran’s sovereignty to independence. 

Iran’s army received military training from the US Army, and His Imperial Majesty, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, bought military armaments from the US. Later on, the King purchased the Soviet-made military armaments like artilleries. 

The King continually provided students with financial means to study abroad like Russia or capitalist nations. The King wanted Iranians to acquire capital knowledge in many fields of studies to serve Iran one day. The King wanted Iran to be governed with the art of sciences.  

The King ended the feudal system seeking the parliament’s approval for the Bill of White Revolution as Iran moved toward the Great Gate of Civilization. 

The King implemented a welfare liberalism economy in Iran so everyone could skip the cycle of poverty, and meritocracy had the final word for people’s occupational mobility. Therefore, the class conflict would become less relevant in society.

Iran and Iraq had an armed race due to past grievances. 

The King supported the Kurds in Iraq that they were seeking social justice.

In 1963, the communist militia faction in Oman supported by the Soviet Union and China revolted against the establishment. The head of state of Oman asked the King for military aid. The King deployed the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces in Oman. In 1976, the Imperial Iranian Armed Forced defeated the communist militia faction.

In 1975, a dispute broke out between Iran and Iraq. Iran’s armed forces stationed at the border between Iran and Iraq. The Iraqi armed forces withdraw, and there was peace between Iran and Iraq.

The King allocated funds toward social programs that move Iranians toward modernity and egalitarian society. The armed forces needed money to keep-up with modern military equipment to face danger from external influences and bring peace to the region. Iran’s armed forces was a peacemaker. The King allocated funds toward many projects and programs to make Iran an industrial nation. Iran’s economy remained vibrant, and Iranians enjoyed a higher standard of living. 

The King taught Iranians to love Iran and each other.

The King was a devoted Muslim and performed the fifth pillar of Islam, Haj or Pilgrimage.

Turning the Tide:

The Democrat, US President Jimmy Carter, cried wolf about Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi as a tyrant who violated human rights. Even Mr. Carter came to Iran and toasted his glass with the King and said Iran the land of stability in the Island of instability. Mr. Carter ate Iranian foods and went back to his homeland and orchestra the 1979 Revolution in Iran.

The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Rule:

Khomeini inherited Iran as a prosperous nation. In the first act, when he returned to Iran after 15 years of exile, he told a reporter on his way to Iran from France that he had no feelings about returning to Iran. In the second act, he made an astonishing comment, sent a shock wave to Iranian intellectuals and forced them to leave Iran. Khomeini said, “economy is for a donkey.” He told Iranians needed Koran to solve all their problems from medicine, any field of science, and social science. In the third act, Khomeini negated his promise of going to Qom to study theology. He asked his followers to “lawn mowing the opposing voices because Islam was in danger.” In the fourth act, Khomeini asked Shia Muslims in Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein from power. He said many times; he wanted to export the Shia Islamic Revolution to the rest of the world. In the final act, Khomeini died in Iran. He has a mausoleum for himself. The cost of building and operating are undisclosed to public records. 

Khamenei inherited Khomeini’s theocracy state. To this day, Iran’s clerics are destroying Iran’s oil revenues and other revenues from any market economy sectors. The clerics are collected and distributed public funds among themselves and depriving Iranians of economic prosperity. The public funds are not allocated toward infrastructure in Iran. The regime in Iran is allocating funds toward their luxury lifestyle and asymmetric military misadventure in the region. The theocracy state in Iran is a form of oligarchy and autocracy. 

When Iran and Iraq War broke-out, the Revolutionary Guards deployed Iranian youths to the battlefields and asked them to drink red syrup, symbolizing Saint Hussein’s martyrdom. The Revolutionary Guards put keys around their necks, which was a key to heaven. The Revolutionary Guards forced the youths to dash toward Iraqi forces to clear landmines. The Revolutionary Forces used human waves to combat the Iraqi troops.

Mohsen Rezaee Mirgha’ed did not attend any military academy. However, he had an army rank of Major-General. He was involved in an army theatre many times during Iran and Iraq War. He ordered the attack, so Iranian soldier to attack Iraqi forces. He did not provide means to the soldiers to combat the Iraqi troops. He caused innocent Iranian soldiers to die in vain.

Iran faced an embargo and could not sell oil to generate revenue and bought weapons at black market value from the US.

In the end, Iran lost eight years of war to Iraq.

Currently, Iran’s economy is dysfunctional with no prospect of reviving it because Khomeini said, “the economy is for a donkey.”

Today, the clerics encourage Iranians to invest their hard-earned cash in the stock market to become rich in one night. However, Iranians are losing their life-saving in the stock market gamble.

The regime in Iran is pursuing Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi’s nuclear program. Except, the King’s atomic program had the approval of all nations. In the case of the clerics who wanted to flatten all countries, including Israel. 

The clerics taught Iranians to spy on each other, do not trust each other, think individually, and Iran did not matter because Islam was above Iran and anything else.

In conclusion, US President Jimmy Carter besmirched Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi for human rights abuse and installed Khomeini in power in Iran. The King moved Iran toward wealth and economic prosperity for everyone. However, Khomeini’s theocracy regressed Iran’s economy and moved Iran toward the dark ages. It is the price tag of the US foreign policy of having human rights.

Copyright © 2021 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH

All Rights Reserved

The Islamic Republic of Iran is Afraid of Women

When Khomeini was on his way back to Iran, he said he had no interest in politics. He wanted to go to Qom and study theology.

The headscarf was not mandatory; it was an optional matter. However, Khomeini negated his promises. He gave a timeline for women to observe headscarf law. 

When Khomeini said that women must wear headscarves, the paramilitary or Basij began to enforce the headscarf law with the force of terror on ordinary Iranians.

I will not forget this personal account in my life of how much force and terror the paramilitary used to execute the headscarf law. 

It was a summer day; I was standing in front of my parent’s house. I saw a commotion at a distance. What do I mean by unrest? I saw people were yelling, screaming and were franticly running around. I was shocked to see it. I saw a neighbour’s son running away from the scene and going to his home. He got close to me and told me to go home and tell my mom and dad to stay home. He told me the paramilitary faction was running around with box cutters, slashing women’s faces and splashing acid on women’s faces.

Still, to this day, Iran’s regime mobilizes and deploys its forces to slashing and splash acid on women’s faces.

I read “Crowning Anguish Memoirs of a Persian Princess: From the Harem to Modernity” by Taj Al-Saltana. The author said strong mothers have strong children like Spartans. The author’s comment made an impression on me. I began to connect the dots that why the regime in Iran attacked women. It was apparent when women are strong, and their children are strong. The mullah’s regime in Iran did not want to see strong children. The mullah’s regime in Iran will always attack women to humiliate them in front of their brothers, fathers and mothers, so their children will lack self-confidence and not stand up for their natural rights to live in a civil society. The Iranian regime wants to have submissive subjects who will be ruled with Iron Fist and humiliated with a pinky finger. The best way to achieve its objective was to attack women under the pretext that women did not observe the headscarf law.

In conclusion, Iran’s regime is afraid of women who decide for themselves how to live. The rulers in Iran will attack any honourable women under the headscarf’s pretext to transform them into subjects and not citizens. The mullah’s regime is afraid of mothers who will have brave children, not scared of the regime’s Iron Fist and brutality. This is why Iran’s administration enforces the headscarf law in Iran to suppress women’s voices not to have strong children.

Copyright © 2021 Peyman ADL DOUSTI HAGH

All Rights Reserved

Afghan Girl Nazanin 14 Years Old

Recently, I watched a video clip; an Afghan girl with the name of Nazanin, who was fourteen years old, was crying that she wanted to go back to her home; she did not want to stay in Iran.

I wanted to tell her; I am sorry about the way some Iranians made you feel. I understand that you are feeling heavy about the social barriers and social injustice you are experiencing daily.

One reason I left Iran because some people called me donkey Azeri in Tehran-Iran. It hurt my feelings.

Even, I am living in Canada today. I am facing social barriers and social injustice.

I want you to know; Afghan people are smart and brave individuals who can do anything like Member of Parliament Maryam Monsef. 1

All I can do is praying for you so God’s guardian angels will protect you during these difficult times. I am hoping one day; you can live wherever you want without being the subject of bigotry.


  1. <Maryam Monsef – Wikipedia>

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